After Quora
A couple of weeks ago I was permanently banned from Quora, the result, I assume of multiple violations of their BNBR (Be Nice Be Respectful) policy. I have no regrets about the violations. I think a site dedicated to questions and answers should not have a policy which prevents uncomfortable thoughts from being aired. Posting obviously fake information does not result in a ban but posting objectively correct or at least justifiable ideas which large numbers of subscribers find uncomfortable leads to a ban. This leave the site to become an echo chamber for politically correct views. I think there were three categories of my answers which annoyed a large number of people. My answers about religion, my answers about 'alternative medicine' and my answers about the BJP government and Mr Modi. Let me cite a few examples. Why does Dr. Vinay Kumaran call himself a perambulating unpatriotic anti-national Indian? Vinay Kumaran , Liver Transplant Surgeon...