The Problem with Outcome Metrics or The VIP Syndrome or Why Bill Clinton is Alive and Steve Jobs is Not.
A recent debate on using transplant center outcomes to decide accreditation with insurance and reimbursement reminded me of this article I had written on Quora some time ago. Copied and pasted. Upvote 20 Downvote Comments 2 Why Bill Clinton is alive and Steve Jobs is not Vinay Kumaran , Liver Transplant Surgeon Posted Dec 28, 2015 · Vinay Kumaran's Posts Transparency, the intention to treat and analysing data. or Why Bill Clinton is alive and Steve Jobs is not . How do you select a surgeon or a Hospital? How, assuming you are sufficiently rich and powerful that you want the "best in the world", do you find the best (or hire the best finder to find the best)? If you need a liver transplant, you can go to a website called SRTR -- Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients . At this website, you can look up the mortality, one-year survival, five-year survival, waiting list mortality and other such statis...