Ruminations on Selfishness.
Consider an animal in a resource-scarce environment. It makes a crude kind of sense to be selfish. The animal, presumably being stronger than other animals, takes the food it needs and mates with partners of the opposite sex without or without their cooperation and leaves more progeny than weaker animals. However, this animal comes up against a problem if other animals, individually weaker than it, learn to cooperate. With force of numbers, they can fight off the selfish animal. They can cooperate to look after progeny and thereby, their progeny have a survival advantage over those of the more selfish animals. They form herds and prides and the purely selfish animals die out. The herds/ prides grow into tribes as intelligence increases and we get a situation like the human animal which seems set to take over the entire planet and then perhaps starve to death as the resources are used up by uncontrolled population growth. Humans are at a stage in evolution when they have clearly sur...