The Defenders of AYUSH

It seems to me that I can reproduce my blog posts from Quora here without any risk of being banned. Therefore:


  1. So, instead of reddit, we move to Blogger .

    Not a bad choice at all.


    P.S. We do miss you on Quora, also, I have to inform you of a profile in your name that has come up in the not so distant past, that asks strange questions.

    Kindly report.


  2. I have been banned remember. I have no way to report or even read anything.

  3. Very nice post sir. Miss you on Quora.

  4. Sir i miss you so much on quora. I was undergoing exams while all this banning thing happened. But it's great to know i can still read you somewhere. :)

  5. Thank you. I'm kind of stuck in the US for a few weeks with nothing very useful to do so I'm likely to active here.

  6. Dear Sir, You can imagine now the agony of students of BAMS! These kinds of 'teachers' teach us and we are expected to show the difference. I do not know how you can do this, but if possible stop damage being created to students of BAMS. Because these same students attach the title of 'Dr.' and further damage the health of people by their illogical concepts.


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