Why a blog?

After the Quora ban, I received several enquiries from people who were following me there asking whether I would write somewhere else hence this format.
I was invited to speak at the unofficial Quora meetup in Mumbai last week. There I met people who said that reading my answers made them give up alcohol or think more critically about their religion. I realised that if I was actually making people think by telling them what I think then I must continue to do so.
Interestingly, despite the ban, all the content is still accessible. The blogs particularly illustrate how inevitable though irrational the ban was.


  1. So glad to see this. We are grateful for the time you spend on this.

  2. You write with sincerity and honesty and that's​the real draw . Iam disappointed with Quora too and will probably wind down my participation if this is their style

  3. Syeda Birjees MisbahMay 2, 2017 at 9:44 PM

    Thank you..Happy to see you again

  4. Happy to see u again sir.. Kindly use twitter for ur conversations

  5. Awesome sir , will definitely look forward . Thanks for caring about your fans (haha)

  6. I am Tweeting these posts as well.

  7. Though the content hasn't been deleted so far, it will soon be deleted.

    Somebody asked a Quora question asking why you were banned -it got a few good answers - and poof - it's deleted. I think Quora has a policy preventing people from discussing why a specific user was banned. It is apparently "impolite" for users to discuss about the ban because the victim has no chance of responding.

    ref: https://www.quora.com/unanswered/Why-was-the-question-related-to-banning-of-Dr-Vinay-Kumaran-deleted-It-was-asked-on-18-April-2017-and-said-Why-was-Dr-Vinay-Kumaran-banned?share=1

    I saved all the posts on the blog as a PDF on my computer before Quora starts deleting stuff....

    1. Can you share the pdf? The answers on quora are no longer visible

    2. Can you share pdf


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