Will I regret becoming a doctor?

I am a bright student with a high IQ(tested) and I am really interested in biology and excel in it too, my maths is good but I don't have interest in it. I have decided to become a doctor but reading about the profession and reviews about it, I have started doubting my decision. What should I do?
Vinay Kumaran
You probably will. However, please read the whole thing.
  1. You will regret it in medical school when you realize that everyone else is also bright with a high IQ and unlike school where you were aceing all the exams, now you’re struggling to pass them.
  2. You will regret it when you are looking for a residency while your non-medical friends (if you have any left) are looking for jobs.
  3. You will regret it during your residency when you realize that the sleep deprivation and stress you have to deal with was something you could never have imagined when you decided to become a doctor.
  4. You will regret when you look for a job and others your age have been long settled and are bringing up kids while you’ve only begun thinking about starting a family.
  5. You will regret it every time a patient you’re looking after dies.
  6. You will regret it whenever an ungrateful patient complains about you or is rude to you.
However, you will eventually get to a place in your life when you realize that it was all worth it. That you have made a difference to many lives and that you are appreciated and valued for it.


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