Discussions with a couple of my friends on Facebook persuaded me to write down my thoughts about religion and why I think most religions are doing more harm than good. Denial of Death. A factor which seems common to all religions is the denial of the finality of death. Practically all the religions seem to have the concept of a soul, something that continues after we die. The soul may be reincarnated (as in Hinduism and Buddhism), rewarded (Heaven in Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Moksh in Buddhism and Hinduism) or punished (Hell, Purgatory, an unpleasant reincarnation etc). In any case, the soul apparently retains the memory of actions performed in life (what would be the point of punishing someone for a crime they do not know they committed?), retains the ability to suffer (Hell) or enjoy pleasures (Heaven, Valhalla). There is, of course, no reason to believe that anything like this occurs. One can imagine ancestors, intelligent enough to recognize that death is inevitable but no...
You summed it up so well, Vinay sir!