Karma Points or The Old Lady and Her Cow

I walk to work every day. It's about a 20 minute walk.
About 2 years ago I noticed that an old lady would be sitting by the roadside with a rather malnourished cow tethered beside her. She had a platter which had some balls of what looked like some sort of grain and bundles of some green grassy stuff. She did not seem to be feeding the cow. The cow was listless. Both looked bored.
Later I noticed that people were stopping their cars there and giving the lady some money, buying one of the balls or a handful of the grassy stuff and feeding it to the cow.
Apparently, it is auspicious to feed a cow. You get Karma Points.
This seemed like the perfect gig. You have a cow. You have to feed the cow. Instead of feeding the cow, people pay you to feed the cow. A perfectly Tom Sawyer idea (remember how he got his friends to pay him for the privilege of painting his fence?)
Over the next two years, the cow as well as the old lady put on weight. About a year ago, a second cow appeared.
A few months ago, as I was passing by, noting some subtle signal, the old lady got up, picked up an interestingly shaped receptacle (something like an overgrown bedpan), sauntered towards the cow's posterior and effortlessly collected several liters of urine, spilling not a drop.
Cow urine is a hot selling commodity nowadays. It can be sold for as much as Rs 800 for 40 ml.
Now the lady has some regular customers who have become too lazy to get out of their cars and actually hand the money to her, take the grass, and feed it to the cow. She has recruited her husband to provide room-service (or at least window service). The car stops by the roadside, the husband goes up to the car, collects the money and theoretically feeds the cow with the amount of grass equivalent to the money paid (in this transaction grass is expensive, about Rs 20 for a handful). In practice, he knows the cow is already well fed and well hydrated and nothing happens after the money is handed over to him.
I wonder how the Karma points work? I'm sure the patrons have some sort of chart in their minds:

  1. Evaded taxes. Feed cow 5 times.
  2. Beat wife. Feed cow 10 times.
  3. Killed daughter-in-law. Feed cow 20 times.
  4. Ate beef. Feed both cows for rest of their lives.


  1. When it comes to bribery we do not even spare "gods" or their conduits. Most people will evade taxes, loot, steal, indulge in despicable actions that lead to adversity for thousands; but will donate to religious institutions to earn favour from the Gods.

  2. 🙏🙏🙏🙏 keep on going sir. Let us (illiterated educates) learn more.


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